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Job title: 
Chair and Associate Professor
Department of Mass Communications, Lincoln University


Dr. Nicole Files-Thompson’s research engages the theory, practice, and epistemology of marginalized groups through interdisciplinary paradigms and the scholarship of teaching and learning. She focuses on constituting, touring, and empowering marginalized identities, via the critical questions: What constitutes marginalized identities? How do spaces, (touring), negotiate marginalized identities? How are marginalized identities empowered/self-empowered?

As a teacher-scholar, Nicole has developed and taught 25 courses across the communications discipline, delivered numerous lectures and conference presentations, most values her work in undergraduate research, study abroad, and pathways to graduate school for students of color. She holds leadership positions in the National Communications Association (NCA) and the Eastern Communications Association (ECA). Her most recent publications can be found in the journals of Critical Studies in Media Communication, and Women & Language. She is a 2019/20 Fulbright U.S. Core Scholar conducting her participatory action teaching and research project:

“Race, Culture, Sustainability and New Media: Implications for Applied Digital Communication and the Informal and Sharing Tourism Economies in Jamaica” in Jamaica, WI.

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