
Dear friends:The last four days provided the opportunity for us to share our varied perspectives and experiences of parental involvement. Janet and I thank you for the contributions and insight gained. While not exaustive, some of the main points were:i) Generalized statements about the inadequacy of parental involvement should be avoided;ii) Relegating the inadquacy of parental involvement to a lack of interest is simplistic. The decision to become involved in the education of their children is a deliberate choice that is informed by: their parents' sense of responsibility & sense of efficacy: (ii) invitation from the school and teachers; and (iii) parents' life context;iii) While there is an inadequacy of parental involvement, parents do want to become involved. There is the need for parental support as to what are the developmentally appropriate ways that parents can help their children learn and achieve. Schools and teachers have a leadership role to play;v) Managing parental involvement can be frustrating and challenging. Hence, there needs to be a common goal and shared interest supported by creative and innovative solutions that encourage parents (female and male). FOr example, meeting the needs of parents to help their children is a sure way to increase parental involvement and trust within the home-school relationship;vi) Some schools and teachers are having good success with their home-school relationship and the level of parental involvement based on their choice to engage parents; andvi) Further research is needed to better understand the nature and quality of parental involvement in education that is appropriate and effect. This research should then be used to inform culture change in our schools and also the capacity building of all There are parents who engage the school and advocating on behalf of their children.In going forward, the challenge is: how do we encourage further awareness and strengthen consensus around parental involvement in all our school? I say it starts with you and me. As in the words of Ghandi, be the change you want to see in the world.  Our children need our support. The blame game has not served us well. With the awareness that we have received our the past four days, let's made good on the lessons learnt.Thanks to Carol, Alesia, USAID and KDID for providing this platform. And also to all of you who participated.God Bless and Walk Good!From Grace and Janet.