What can parents do to improvement their engagement?

Day 2 Summary:Our discussions on parental involvement continue to build momentum. Yesterday our focus revolved around the role of the school and teachers. The issues and concerns raised presented varied experiences from different perspectives. In so doing emphaisizing the fact that the issue of parental involvement is textured and complex. This is not to say that the challenges facing this practise is insurmountable. As Dr. Clarke contribution reminded us that the school and teachers are critical to the process and that our conversation and behaviour around parental involvement, at least, how we view, initiate and support parental involvement behaviours, must be innovative. It is in this innovation that we will see change. Given the importance of the issue, the barriers, such as the negative perceptions, attitudes and behaviour towards the home-school relationship must be explored and addressed. Parents are involved and want to be more meaningfully involved in their children's education (Read Discussion Section of my dissertation. It gives so insights into why parents want to become involved); however, a they are limited in the ability to become more involved. Here is an opportunity for schools, teachers and parents to work together towards a common interest: the support to our children. This is what parental involvement and the home-school relationship must be about helping our chillren learn and achieve.In today's discussion, the focus is on exploring ways that parents can be more engaged in the schooling process. Janet and I look for to the experiences that will be shared today. I believe that it is in our sharing that we will build awareness and capacity around this important issue.On behalf of Janet and I have a blessed day. We look forward to the lively conversations.