NEI Encourages Schools to Listen to Students


Research conducted by the National Education Inspectorate (NEI) has highlighted the need for local school leaders and teachers to accord more respect to the views of students.

The NEI arrived at the position following the analysis of data from 26,000 primary and secondary students whose schools were inspected by its representatives. Based on the analysis, students are taking note of things in their environment and are willing to share their views on several issues, including conversations on how to improve their school.

Among the most significant findings in the NEI’s most recent analysis is the fact that 60 per cent of secondary level students enjoy their classes and believe they are learning. In addition, 64 per cent of students at the secondary level say they are encouraged by their teachers to do well.

The picture is similar at the primary level where 88 per cent of pupils believe their institution is a good school. Of note is the fact that only 37 per cent of students at the secondary level strongly agree with the claim that their school has interest in their views.

Chief Inspector, Mrs Maureen Dwyer emphasised that students are legitimate stakeholders in the education system and should be given the opportunity to participate in their own learning. She noted that it is imperative to ask students how the system is serving them so that their views can be added to the mix of solutions.

In addition, the Chief Inspector explained that the NEI’s framework is built on the premise that the students’ voice is central to the development of the sector, and noted also that they should be given the opportunity to respectfully contribute to efforts aimed at improving their institutions.

The Chief Inspector also made reference to the fact that the Ministry of Education has sought to refocus the teaching and learning process from a highly concentrated teacher-centred approach to a more learner-centred approach. This is also a feature of the new National Standard Curriculum which is being refined for introduction...READ MORE