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Books in a Library

Vol 69, Issue 3: 2021


Original Articles

  • RP Nagassar, RJ Bridgelal-Nagassar
    This paper provides an overview of the development of an institution-specific antibiogram, looking at last-line antibiotics, such as carbapenems. This provides an epidemiological trend for the entire institution. Patients’ specific antibiograms and unit-specific trends (eg intensive care units, surgical wards and outpatient clinics) can be used as a guide in patients with less severe infections. Thus, these recommendations should be tailored, as appropriate. This will help reduce the development of resistance when treating any patient for whom swabs, blood or urine are submitted.
  • F Li, J Wang, X Yang, Z Hu, T Peng
    The effect of dialysis frequency on micro-inflammation in patients with maintenance haemodialysis was observed. Patients who had dialysis less than twice per week had higher rates of micro-inflammation. This was an indication that the frequency of dialysis affected maintenance haemodialysis.
  • C Huentequeo-Molina, H Velásquez, S Olate, P Navarro, R Requena, JP Alister
    This study analysed admissions related to maxillofacial infections with a dental component in a public hospital in southern Chile. The clinical conditions, diagnoses and treatments were examined.

Letters to the Editor

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