What is FYE?

The First Year Experience Programme is an initiative designed to help first year students adjust successfully to University life. Through a combination of social, cultural, academic and citizenship experiences participants are assisted in their personal and academic development. There is also a community service component. The programme is in its fifth year and is supported by fifty University staff members who serve as facilitators to 750 participants.

Objectives of FYE

Through FYE, students will:

  • Build relations with members of the academic and non-academic staff Students under tree
  • Learn to think critically and analytically
  • Take  responsibility for their learning
  • Clarify their academic and career goals
  • Have a better understanding of the University and how they are expected to function in it
  • Increase their awareness about available resources and  services so that they can better navigate the campus
  • Build friendships in a fun environment
  • Develop as responsible citizens


Participants are divided into groups of 15 and each group is assigned a facilitator. Activities include seminars and discussions, dining experiences, visits to cultural/heritage sites and other places of interest. There are also occasions where the entire FYE group meets. These are referred to as ‘Open Sessions’.

Feedback / Comment

Click here to Apply for FYE 2012/13

Commuting Students Office website.