Track and Field

Course Code: 
Three (3)
Semesters I & II
Time Required: 
Training for the University’s team will begin in semester I and the seminars and workshops will be done in Semester II. These should be for two hours per week on Thursday afternoons for a minimum of ten weeks.
Be a member of the UWI Track Team at Intercol, Intercampus or any other designated competition. Or be actively involved with the coaching or administration of the UWI Track team. Or be actively involved with officiating in all levels of track meets on the campus or off campus as required. Or be an active member of the UWI Track Squad in regular training – even if not finally, selected for the team. Provided a required level of performance is achieved.

RATIONALE: To encourage and develop an interest in Track & Field among the students-either as athletes or in administration.
It is hoped that in addition to whatever athletes the institution may produce, we should produce officials and administrators in Track & Field – not only for Jamaica but for the region.

OBJECTIVES: At the end of the programme students should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the techniques for the selected event (where the student is an athlete)
  2. Explain the responsibilities of the officials as they relate to the selected event/s
  3. Plan a training session
  4. Discuss the principles of coaching the event/s.


  1. Format for daily training sessions for fitness and technique
  2. Understanding the Roles and responsibilities of the Officials
  3. A knowledge of basic health requirement for the athlete
  4. Training methods
  5. Knowledge of IAAF rules

For the Athlete

  1. Techniques in his/her chosen event(s) e.g. Proper starting technique for track events or the proper techniques in the field events
  2. A knowledge of the rules of the relevant event(s)

For assistant coach/training administrator

  1. Planning a training programme
  2. Organizing a track meet
  3. Basic demonstration of technique for the event selected for coaching
  4. Principles of coaching

For the Trainee Official

  1. Role and responsibilities of the officials (starter, track judge, field judge, timekeeper, etc)
  2. Act as an official (starter, judge, timekeeper etc.) at all track meets on the campus or at designated meets off campus.
  3. Act as an official at training sessions which require use of a starter, timekeeper etc.


  1. Discussions.
  2. Seminars/workshops.
  3. Training/coaching sessions

ASSESSMENT: Assessment to be done by the relevant coach and the Student Services Manager for Sports and any designated assessor. This will be based on the students’ attendance record, his/her attentiveness to the activities, level of cooperation and sportsmanship as well as skill perfection.

  1. Journal ((Records of skills and information acquired in training and evaluation of participation in track meets) 30%
  2. Successful completion of JAAA officials course 30%
  3. Assessment of performance by coach and coordinator
    using specified criteria 30%
  4. Multiple choice test 10%

NB: The student must register at the beginning of the semester as a candidate for credits.

The coordinator in association with the JAAA will organize the officiating course.

Students must pass all sections of the course to be awarded the three credits.

Second marking will be done by members of staff with expertise in the sport or by external persons contracted by the Student Services Manager Sports.

Students must attend at least 75% 0f the seminars, workshops and training sessions, track meets.


  1. Know the Game - Athletics
  2. IAAF Technical Rules
  3. IAAF Athletics Officiating – Practical Guide


  1. Presenters/Coach/Examiners, Part-time $108,000.00
  2. Miscellaneous Office expenses $ 10,000.00
  3. Course Coordination $ 10,000.00

Total: $ 128,000.00

Course prepared by Mr. Fred Green and formatted by Mrs. Dorothy Hudson-McGhie.