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Non-Ionization Radiation: Physics, Equipment and Applications

Semester 1

The aim of the module is to present to the students the theoretical and practical basis of non-ionisation radiation: principles, instrumentations and their medical applications for diagnostic and therapy.

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    • Basic principles
    • Hardware
    • Basic image quality issues
    • Basic pulse sequences
    • Artifacts and methods for artifact rejection/reduction
    • Safety and bioeffects
    • Quality Control
  • Ultrasound Imaging
    • Ultrasound plane waves
    • Propagation of sound waves through tissue
    • Single element transducers
    • Transducer arrays
    • Pulse Echo equipment signal processing
    • B-Mode imaging
    • Continuous wave and pulsed Doppler
    • Flow imaging with ultrasound
  • Medical Applications of Lasers
    • Laser biophysics: spontaneous and stimulated emission, unique laser characteristics, Energy and pulsing concepts.
    • Laser /Tissue interactions
    • Clinical laser applications
    • Laser safety
  • One Two-hour Written Paper 70%
  • Three in-course tests (3x1 hour) 30%
Learning Objectives: 

On successful completion of the course, students should be able to: In part A, students should demonstrate an understanding of the principles of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) physics. The emphasis is not on the more advanced MRI techniques, but on the development of a solid understanding and application of the basics of image formation and spatial accuracy, image contrast clinical applications, and safety. In part B students should demonstrate an understanding of the principles of Ultrasound (US) imaging. Emphasis is on the application of the principles of acoustic physics, interaction of ultrasound with tissue, ultrasound transducers and arrays, and ultrasound imaging and Doppler instrumentation. Students in Part C should exhibit an understanding of basic laser biophysics and laser-tissue interaction. They should be able to explain how lasers work, and differentiate between the characteristics of lasers. They should be able to evaluate and apply the pertinent energy, optical and fiber concepts that are applicable to medical laser use. Discuss concepts of risk, including the evaluation of radiation risks, risk-benefit analysis, and index of harm. Apply methods to minimize dose to sites of risk such as the fetus, lenses and gonads.

Course Code: 
3 Credits
Level 1
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