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Shaping Sustainable Energy Systems

Semester 1

Students will learn to differentiate between the competing models of sustainable development and to identify the major requirements and barriers to sustainable development of the energy system. Sustainable Development is the framework within which Renewable Energy Management must be placed.


1. Sustainable development and its relation to properties of the energy systems
2. Identification of major problems of present energy systems towards sustainable development
3. Basic scenario techniques
4. Analysis of driving factors of the development of energy systems
5. Analysis of existing status quo scenarios
6. Analysis of existing sustainable energy scenarios
7. Building a general consistent energy scenario
8. Building a consistent energy scenario for a developing country in the Caribbean
9. Analysis of internal and external costs of the different scenarios
10. Analysis of the necessary energy policies to secure a sustainable energy system
11. Instruments for delivery of a sustainable energy system

  •  Coursework 50 %
    • Group Project (seminars and final written report by each team, Presentations, Final report)
  • • Final Exam: 50 %
    • Three hours final exam
Learning Objectives: 

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Analyse in detail, relevant present and future energy systems for properties relevant to sustainable development.
  2. Critically assess the advantages and disadvantages of different energy systems.
  3. Make informed decisions about future energy scenarios.
  4. Evaluate the technical implications of planning, legal and economic systems.
  5. Solve conceptual and numerical problems and develop project management skills.
  6. Demonstrate competence in problem solving, analytical thinking, conflict solving skills and project organising skills.
Course Code: 
3 Credits
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