Participate in Exchange Programme [Criteria]

  • Students are allowed to participate for a maximum of two semesters.  This shall not include the final semester of full time study.
  • Students must be enrolled as full time and completed one academic year at UWI Mona and have attained at least a cumulative GPA of 3.0.
  • Students must have the courses they intend to do at the overseas university assessed for equivalence by the relevant Department at Mona before proceeding to study abroad.
  • The grade recorded for each course completed in the exchange programme will depend on the grade awarded at the partnering university and the equivalencies established by the Mona Academic Board.
  • The letter grade awarded for a course offered by an approved overseas university will be accepted without change. Where an institution does not offer letter grade, a determination is made by the Dean.
  • Students should not have been subjected to any disciplinary action or any such action pending against him/her.