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Department of Life Sciences

Celebrating our Unsung Heroes | FST’s Technical and Service Staff

On November 24, 2022, the Faculty hosted Technical and Service Staff Appreciation Day. The session involved departmental treats and a Faculty Session at 1:00 p.m. in SLT3 which featured a presentation from the National Insurance Scheme Office, Ministry of Labour and Security delivered by Mr. Rohan Reece (National Insurance Inspector) and an information booth supported by Ms. Andrea Higgins (National Insurance Inspector). In lead up to the day, FST Staff were invited to nominate technical and service staff in their departments/centres who they consider “Unsung Heroes” – staff who diligently work behind the scenes. The technical and service staff emerging with the most votes in each department/institute was awarded the “Unsung Hero” award. Seventeen awards were made to sixteen recipients. 

Mr. Donald Simpson was named the Unsung Hero for the DLS.

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