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Department of Life Sciences

Graduate Programmes


The Department has an extensive programme of graduate degrees consisting of those obtained purely by research: M.Phil. and Ph.D, and two taught MSc programmes: a degree in Plant Production and Protection and a degree in Marine & Terrestrial Ecosystems: Assessment, Conservation and Management. Additionally, Life Sciences in collaboration with the Department of Management Studies offers the MSc in Agricultural Entrepreneurship.


The minimum requirement for admission to a taught masters degree shall normally be a Lower Second Class Honours degree or its equivalent. In order to enroll in a Research degree (i.e. MPhil/PhD), you should have at least an Upper Second Class Honours degree or its equivalent.

Programme Duration

Registration for the research degrees may be in Botany, Zoology, Experimental Biology, Environmental Biology, Tropical Horticulture or Oceanography, on a part-time or full-time basis. The MPhil degree normally takes two to three years of intensive research on a full-time basis, while a PhD degree usually takes three to four years.

An MSc degree will normally take between 18 and 24 months, with sessions taking place evenings and weekends. Candidates across the three MSc. programmes are registered part time as the programmes are geared to facilitate working professionals who desire academic improvement or practical, hands on application of the desk operation of their employment.

Applying to a Programme

Details, requirements, and application materials and deadlines can be found at the Office of Graduate Studies & Research.

NOTE: Completing the application form is only the first part of the application process. Make sure you submit all the required supporting documentation (including University transcript(s) and references) by the posted deadline in order to be considered for admission.

The Department of Life Sciences has a lecture theatre and six seminar rooms which are utilized for the delivery of lectures and the hosting of tutorials. In addiion to these facilities, there are several others available throughout the Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences that are used for the delivery of lectures.

Programme Course and Details

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