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Programme Overview

DBA Earn Your Doctorate Flyer


The Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) programme offers senior executives a professional doctorate equivalent to a Doctor of Philosophy degree. It differs in the level of business experience required for entry, the emphasis on applied versus pure research, and the greater focus on contributing to management practice than on the theoretical advancement of a discipline.

The graduates of the DBA programme emerge with enhanced critical thinking and decision making skills, making them strong leaders, who are well equipped to attain the highest levels of professional excellence.

DBA flyer

Programme Structure

Start Date: One biennial intake in January

Duration: 4 – 6 years

Research training will consist of a two-year period of taught courses at MSBM, delivered by leading faculty of The UWI and international scholars.

Year 1: Five taught courses

Year 2: Four taught courses and a Comprehensive Examination

Year 3: Directed Reading and Proposal Defence

Year 4 – 5: Supervision of Dissertation


The training offered by the DBA Programme will give access to leading-edge academic knowledge and the methodological tools to develop solutions to the challenges faced in your organization and industry.

Supervision: Supervisory teams are made up of world-leading experts from every field of business and management. More than a third of our supervisors are at universities located outside of the Caribbean. All are research-active and the majority have extensive experience supervising students pursuing doctoral degrees.

Assessment: Candidates are required to complete the following for the award of the Doctorate in Business Administration:-


  • Core Courses
  • Directed Readings and Seminar
  • Comprehensive Examinations - Written and Oral sections
  • Proposal Defence
  • Dissertation 40,000 to 50,000 words